Tax Exempt Charity

Kuvasz Fanciers of America, Inc.

is a 501(c)(3) charitable, nonprofit organization under the rules of the IRS. We are also certified as a tax exempt charitable corporation in the State of California. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Please make your check out to KFA and mail to:
Ivonne Lukaszczyk, Treasurer
Kuvasz Fanciers of America, Inc.
PO Box 399
Goleta, CA 93116

If you wish to make your donation on-line, please click here

Please keep us in mind for your end of the year giving, tributes to friends and family, and of course to honor that special dog.
Your employer may have matching funds available for your donation. Please ask that Kuvasz Fanciers of America, Inc., be designated as your charity of choice for your employee giving campaign.

Ivonne Lukaszczyk, KFA Treasurer, will be happy to provide more details for your employer or tax advisor.  Email:  or call: (661) 587-8141

Heather Peterson, KFA President